XXIX Pump Users Congress
On behalf of the organizers, we invite you to participate in the XXIX Pump Users Congress
Conference program: https://www.kierunekbmp.pl/Resources/ar/96001/96179/1686143983e2bf7.pdf
The conference will be held on June 13-14, 2023 in Legnica.
W programie m.in.:
– lecture panels on modern solutions for pumping systems
– papers related to reducing the energy consumption of pumps
– presentations on seals, fittings, drives
– exhibition of stands
– technical tour.
During the conference, we invite you to visit our booth, where you will be able to see the latest specialized equipment and innovative solutions for the industry, and listen to presentations: “Breakthrough in Pump Set Diagnostics” at 12:50 pm.
Organizatorem Kongresu jest BMP Sp. z o.o. – wydawca magazynu Pompy Pompownie. The role of Honorary Host is played by KGHM.